
Welcome to our Montelores Catholic Community.

We are glad you are here.

Welcome to the Montelores Catholic Community website. Whether you are just visiting for a short while, have moved here and are joining our parish, or are returning to your Catholic Faith, on behalf of our staff and all of the parishioners, I want to personally welcome you to our Catholic Community. Please remember, we belong to One Catholic Family. I am glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our parish faith community.

As a group of God’s people, we care about you and your family and we’re here to feed you spiritually. Our hope is that all people feel welcome at Montelores Catholic Community. And once here, we pray that people will meet God and as a result of meeting God, give their lives to Jesus Christ. We want that for you. Come as you are.  Let’s journey together!

While you are browsing our website, you will learn more about our ministries and programs and get a glimpse of who we are and what we do.

Enjoy the website, then join us in person. We’d love to meet you and get to know you.

If you are new to the area or established residents but not registered, please consider becoming part of our parish community. We will be pleased to include you and it’s easy to register. Please call the office.

The churches include: